Sunday, 31 July 2011

Second Generation (1955-1965): Transistors and Batch Systems

 Introduction of the transistor in the mid-1950s changed the picture radically

  Computers became reliable enough that they could be manufactured and sold to paying customer with the expectation that they would continue to function long enough to get some useful work done.

Disediakan oleh Syahir (F1069)

First Generation (1945-1955): Vacuum Tubes and Plug boards

  • Early 1950- Routine had improved somewhat with the introduction of punched cards.
  •  It was now possible to write programs on cards and read them in, instead of using plug boards

  • Otherwise the procedure was the same.

Disediakan oleh Syahir (F1069)

Introduction to Operating System (OS)

— Software program that controls the hardware.
— Definition of an operating system can be seen in four aspects:

1)    A group of program that acts as an intermediary between a user and the computer hardware.
2)    Controls and co-ordinates the use of computer resources among various application programs and user.
3)    Acts as a manager
4)    Allow the program to communicate with one another

Disediakan oleh Syahir (F1069)